Tuesday, 20 February 2018

IIM Raipur conducts first edition of Fin-TALK: The Guest Lecture Series

Finatix, the Finance Club of IIM Raipur invited Mr. Gurumoorthy Mahalingam, Executive Board Member, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) for their Guest Lecture Series, Fin-TALK. Mr. Mahalingam is also a member of the Board of Governors of National Institute of Securities Market (NISM). The subject of discourse was “Role of Regulator in the Changing Financial Landscape”.  The talk was Finatix’s  Guest Lecture Series. This series aims to complement students’ academic knowledge with practitioners’ perspective.

Mr. Mahalingam spoke on subjects like Bank Finance vs Bond Finance, Risk Aversion, Convertibility of Currencies, Inflation and Conventional and  Unconventional Monetary and Fiscal Policies. Comparing the global and Indian economical scenario, he explained about the impact of interest rates and government policies on the GDP of any country. 
He stressed the necessity of due diligence during bank selection. He said that the factors like safety, returns and liquidity of the bank should be considered before putting trust in a bank. Mr. Mahalingam also explained about the consequences of various business and entrepreneurship decisions, especially with context to regulatory bodies.
Prof. Dhananjay Bapat, Chairman, Student Affairs Committee, IIM Raipur thanked Mr. Mahalingam for providing this learning opportunity to the students and enlightening them about the various facets of the financial landscape in India. 

IIM Raipur conducts first edition of Fin-TALK: The Guest Lecture Series

Finatix, the Finance Club of IIM Raipur invited Mr. Gurumoorthy Mahalingam, Executive Board Member, Securities and Exchange Board of Ind...